Friday, September 21, 2007

About to board

Unforunately, my camera batteries died, so no photo updates until we get to Mississippi. I hate not being able to get any pictures of the outside and inside of the plane, but hopefully I can take a few on the way back home! I'll try to post once we land in Columbus, Miss.

Until then ...


Blogger Matthew East said...

Gabe....MSU alumnus here and meteorologist at News 14 Carolina in Charlotte. A few things for you as you head to my home away from home.

I am sure your time and transportation options will be limited, but some things for you to see while you are in Starkville. First off, you have to go to 'The Little Dooey' if you possibly can. Simply the best bbq you will find, and they have become known nationally due to lots of exposure from Herbstreit and ESPN.

I encourage you to just look around campus if you can. It is a naturally beautiful campus with fantastic landscaping and lots of very old trees lining roads and sidewalks.

A little south of Scott Field is the Chapel of Memories & Carillon Tower. Bricks from Old Main were used for their construction.

"Constructed with bricks from the Old Main Dormitory, which was the nation's largest dorm when it burned in 1959, the Chapel has a beautiful sitting garden that is attached. The Carillon bells play at noon and 5pm daily. The chapel is used for services, weddings, and other student activities."

You will see Dudy Noble Field, the largest on-campus baseball stadium in the country. You will also not be able to miss Humphrey Coliseum, home of the basketball Bulldogs.

Enjoy your time in Starkville and Mississippi State. I think you will find the people there to be very nice, and I hope you have a wonderful time.

September 21, 2007 at 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand this is a football game, and you all would love to win! I just hope you do enjoy your visit to Starkville I am from 30 miles south of their and graduated at MSU. I think as long as you all are not stuck up or boasting to be something your not everyone should be very kind to you all. IF NOT LET ME KNOW and I will take care of it!!

September 21, 2007 at 4:40 PM  

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