Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It's due time to take my own stab at this blogging phenomenon, so here it goes ...

A quick bio ... I'm 28, a native of Cleveland County and well, I enjoy watching and covering sports. I wasn't a journalism major at UNC-Wilmington (actually political science), but found my niche as a correspondent or "stringer" for the Wilmington Star News in 2001.
I went from the Port City to the Goldsboro News-Argus in 2002 as a full-time Sports Writer before my heart and soul pulled me back home in October, 2006.
Nothing against living and working Downeast, but it was a great move. Plus, the barbecue's better here.

I'm sure this blog will focus mainly on sports - local, regional and national. Heck, I might even talk a little Euro soccer from time-to-time. But I'll probably also go on some television, music, film, food, etc. tangents as well.

Hope y'all enjoy.


Blogger dthomas96 said...

So do you think that the Brady/Manning matchup is this generation's Montana vs Marino? If Peyton wins it this year does that elevate him to Elway status?

Who are your top 5 QBs of all time... at least the ones we've seen--my dad always throws Unitas and Staubach in..


January 18, 2007 at 8:49 PM  
Blogger Gabe Whisnant said...

Good questions, all of them ...

I think you can compare Brady to Montana and Manning to Marino for obvious reasons. Brady/Montana have the rings and that "Joe/Tom Cool" thing going for them, while Manning/Marino hold more records and lack Lombardis.

Elway has 2 rings, plus he had to wait longer to get them after being
denied in the Super Bowl thrice.
I think Manning establishes his own status if he gets one this year.
From a numbers standpoint, odds are Manning will shatter all the records by the time he's finished.

How about a Top 10 that we've seen, using rings (or lack thereof) plus raw stats as the criteria. The lower half of this list could shuffle Feb. 4.
10. Sims (tie)
10. Moon (tie)
9. Kelly
8. Aikman
7. Young
6. Favre
5. Manning
4. Brady
3. Montana
2. Marino
1. Elway

January 19, 2007 at 12:00 AM  
Blogger Dinosaur said...

How in the world can you put the most overrated quaterback in the history of professional football in your top ten? Troy Aikman sucks and he was lucky to be surrounded by as much talent as the Cowboys had during that era. Speaking of talent, I love Joe Montana and have fond memories of watching him shred the Bengals and Broncos in the '80s, but Montana was surrounded by more talent than Tom Brady ever had. I don't know that New England's defense during their Super Bowls was that much better than the 49ers either. Bill Belichick and Bill Walsh are a wash too. I guess what I'm saying is you can certainly make a case to put Brady at the top. That being said, I don't think there's a more accurate passer than Peyton Manning or a more cerebral player in the game today. But just like Marino and Elway, the best player in the game can't overcome bad defense and a non-existent running game. Offense wins games, defense wins championships, but offense is more fun.

January 19, 2007 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Gabe Whisnant said...

Hate him or not, talent-laden teams or not, Aikman's got to be on the list for QBs in this era.
His numbers and Super Bowls don't lie. Plus, he's in the HOF.
He won't be enshrined as an announcer though.

Brady is perhaps the best postseason QB ever, but when you figure in his total numbers (especially compared to the top 3) and lack of an MVP, fourth in this era is the right place ... for now.

Brady and Manning are fourth and fifth, respectively, because the final story isn't written on them yet. Both obviously have potential to move up the board.

January 19, 2007 at 11:15 AM  
Blogger Dinosaur said...

The greatest offensive line ever assembled in the history of professional footbal is the reason why Troy racked up those numbers. He had all day long to throw the ball most times and still couldn't hit Michael Irvin, Alvin Harper, Jay Novachek and others in stride. Aikman is the most overrated quaterback in the history of the NFL. The numbers are a mirage. Brady should have won an MVP by now, just like Dan Marino should have won a Super Bowl. Just because they don't have those accolades and victories doesn't detract from their abilities. Brady shows up when it counts but this year when his team needed him to produce, he upped his game during the regular season. Can you imagine if the Pats win the big one again this year? No Vinateri, no Branch, the defense is patchwork and old and here they are in the AFC Championship after beating the NFL's jugernaut. But...this is Peyton's year. As you already know, I've picked the Colts over the Pats. In fact I've picked every playoff game correctly but one, stinking Cowboys. I'm not bragging, just stating facts.

January 19, 2007 at 11:25 AM  
Blogger Gabe Whisnant said...

"As you already know, I've picked the Colts over the Pats. In fact I've picked every playoff game correctly but one, stinking Cowboys. I'm not bragging, just stating facts."

Clearly, your horn-tooter isn't broke.

And I don't think ranking Brady fourth on my list "detracts" really. It's saying he's the best in the game right now, and his legacy isn't finished.

January 19, 2007 at 3:01 PM  
Blogger Gabe Whisnant said...


January 19, 2007 at 5:29 PM  

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